Monday, April 13, 2009

Building Pthread static library for VS2005 pthread

In case you're trying to find a way to use pthreads-win32 as a static lib

Build pthread

  1. Get the pthread source code from:
  2. Define PTW32_STATIC_LIB to build pthreads. 

Be careful to use the same setting for code generation in the lib generation and your project - Debug Multithread DLL (/MDd) or Multithread DLL (/MD).
This will avoid any error with “_errno not found”

Build your application

  1. Define PTW32_STATIC_LIB in your project which will use pthreads (because this define will change the behaviour of pthreads.h file). This will avoid any error msg with “dll implicit…” 
  2.  When pthreads is used as a DLL, the code in dll.c is execute when the dll is loaded. So when using as a static lib, you'll need to call these code also during the initialization and destruction of your process: pthread_win32_process_attach_np(); and for release: pthread_win32_process_detach_np(); This will avoid the crash when you call pthread_create.